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Irish Native Black Honeybee

'Artisanal honey from our native honeybee'

Like the Belted Galloway, the Native Irish Black Bee is unique and well adapted for life on Cape Clear Island. We were attracted to them as a native species of Ireland but also because they are very hardy. Unlike some of their continental cousins, the Black Bee is adept at flying in fierce wind and cold temperatures. These traits are simply imperative for survival due to the islands little tree cover and heavy prevailing winds from the northwest. The pristine environment and variable abundance of flowers makes Cape Clear a haven for honey bees and numerous other wild bees. 

A wide range of nectar and pollen sources provide excellent nutrition for developing hives ensuring proper health and wellbeing. We were pleasantly surprised that our first year of beekeeping yielded a considerable amount of delicious clear golden honey. We are very excited to continue stewarding and learning from these beautiful bees.

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